Maintaining our building and grounds is a demonstration of faith that life will someday return to normalish. Church members have volunteered to care for different plots around the grounds. However, some have had to step away and we’re looking for new volunteers. We talked with Rev. Mary about weeding in these days of quarantine and she said she’d be ok with it if we take precautions.

* People may stop by to weed if it is part of their trip out to get essential things, but she’d prefer folks not go out just for this.
* This is not an expectation or requirement for adopt-a-plot participants.
* Anyone at high risk or who is concerned should stay home.
* If there are more than 10 people working, please go another time.
* Make sure to wear a mask when near others and keep a good social distance.
* Melanie Ransom is the east side supplier of cloth masks and Karen Jackson is the west side contact.
* If there is concern or abuse as we try this, we’ll try something different.
* Finally, she notes that, if the weeds grow, they’ll be waiting for us when we return so there’s no pressure to do this – purely optional and voluntary.

We’ll also develop a system to keep track of who’s going to make sure there aren’t too many people at any one time.

If you’d like to adopt-a-plot, recognizing these limitations, please let us know. We’ll show you the areas that need weeding and you can decide where and when you want to work. If you don’t want sole responsibility for an area, you can pair up with another person and follow safe practices.

This can be a great family activity! If you have any questions, we’d love to talk to you.

In health,
Steve Tilley and Mike Kyer
B&G Committee