Our Parish Nurse, Ann Yeo, has spent the last few days reading everything that she could find about Coronavirus (now formally called COVID-19), which was first identified in China last year and has now appeared in the U.S. (including our state).  It causes respiratory infections with symptoms similar to influenza (flu) – including fever, cough, and shortness of breath.  Unlike influenza, we do not yet have a vaccine to prevent Coronavirus infection, nor do we yet have specific antiviral medications to treat it.  Nevertheless, symptoms CAN be treated, and most people WILL recover within a couple of weeks; however, older persons, and those with underlying medical conditions, may be at greater risk for complications.

You can read more here for updates on disease statistics in this state, answers to Frequently Asked Questions, and How Can I Be Prepared for a COVID-19 Outbreak?

Thanks go to our member Polly Taylor, a retired public health nurse, who found a resource on the WA Department of Health website that may be helpful for families with younger children.  You can check it out here.  Reassuringly, the infection does not seem to target children at this time.

Thanks also go to our member Frank Turner, a retired physician, who fact-checked this message and stressed the value of the WA Dept. of Health website as a resource.

This situation is evolving, as is our collective response to it.  Stay tuned for more information, as more is learned.  And take good care of yourself (see How Can I Be Prepared), to remain as healthy as possible!


-Ann Yeo, RN, MSN, Certified Holistic Nurse