From a Twitter post:  When my 4-year-old daughter asked why she couldn’t go outside, she said, “Daddy, is it because of the corona pirates?” 

Humor? In a pandemic? Yes, these are serious times and some of us are grieving. And, I have rarely been with a family in grief that did not find sharing funny stories as a helpful release. Humor is one of the ways that we cope with stress and anxiety. And, laughter can be a safe way to blow off steam. So, this April Fool’s Day, be sure to add humor to your day.


Speaking of daily To-Do lists, a congregant shared this list with me that she saw on FaceBook: 

What am I grateful for today? 

 Who am I checking in on or connecting with today? 

 What expectation of “normal” am I letting go of today? 

 How am I getting outside today? 

 How am I moving my body today? 

 What beauty am I either creating, cultivating or inviting in today? 

You might add: What will make me laugh today? 

Wishing you an April Fool’s Day filled with laughter, connection, and beauty.  


Blessings on your week, 

Rev. Mary  


P.S. On Sunday I spoke about the importance of spiritual practice to stay centered and build resilience. I made this recording of the Buddhist Metta Meditation for you. Be well.