June 24-28, 2020

General Assembly (GA) is online this year—a 100% virtual event!

This year’s GA theme is Rooted, Inspired, & Ready!  We are in touch with our theological roots, we are engaged in transforming our faith, and we are fired up to take action in the wider world.

Registration is $150 for all events.  Some events, like the Service of the Living Tradition, you can attend without registration or a fee.  It will never be easier to attend the international gathering of Unitarians and Universalists. You can find more information here.

OUUC is eligible for 7 delegates to GA.  Delegates are voting members who represent the congregation at the meetings during GA where the business of the UUA is conducted.  If you are a voting member of OUUC who will be attending GA and interested in being an OUUC delegate, please contact Rev. Mary.  Please send your name, contact information, and a few sentences about your desire to be a delegate to minister@ouuc.org.

See you at GA!