On Sunday, we began our exploration of the spiritual theme for May–Thresholds.  I invited us to imagine ourselves in our doorways, our thresholds, waiting to emerge into the world again.  Then I asked us to name and share what we had left behind, what we have lost, what we are mourning.   

Here are some of the things we shared: 

Students                                                      The library 

Hugs                                                              Planned trips and travels 

Celebrations like weddings, birthday parties, graduations, ordination 

Performances like theater, concerts, the symphony 

The Procession of the Species                 Routine and routines 

Seeing family in person                             Singing together; choir; making music with others 

Feeling carefree and light                         HUGS 

Eating out                                                    Lessons 

Live Sunday services                                  Playing samba 

Sports events                                              People who have died 

Going to the park                                       Seeing young ones grow 

Laughing together in person                    Continued damage to nature 

Being able to make plans                          Being unhurried and relaxed in a store 



Then I asked us to name and share what we will bring with us across the threshold.   

Here are some of the things we shared: 

Hope for a better future with less damage to the environment; a lighter footprint 

More grace and patience                           Mindfulness 

Less activities, more time for reflection 

Patience                                                        Flexibility 

Self-reliance                                                 Less is more 

One day at a time                                        Work electronically 

Appreciation for our partnership              Rest and be still 

 Empathy and humility                                More meaning 

We are all in this together                          God is in control 

We can make a difference with our behavior 

Love                                                                Breathing 

Gratitude                                                        Listening to myself and my body 

Spaciousness                                                  Prioritizing health 

Appreciation for family                                 Beauty 

Clean pantry & home projects                     The gift of time 

Slow down                                                       Good homebrew 

World community                                          A sense of humor 

Knowing values and priorities and living them 


Thank you for creating community and sharing the journey together. 

Blessings on your week. 

Rev. Mary  


P.S.  The Mid-week meditation this week is a reflection on mothers by Rev. Maureen Killoran.   

May we all give and receive nurturing this week. Happy Mother’s Day!