The Olympia Unitarian Universalist Church is a busy place.
Its primary purpose is to carry on the mission and ministry of the Congregation. The Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation has an active ministry to children, youth, adults, and senior adults. It has significant outreach to the community. Â Our music program is one of the finest in the city. Programs and people are our top priorities when it comes to building use.
The Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation provides a limited number of community organizations ongoing use of the church. Other organizations and individuals use our facilities on a one-time only or short-term basis. The Congregation’s top priority is to its own program and membership needs. If additional space is available, then priority is given first to nonprofit groups that are supported by the Congregation and second to other nonprofits. Our status with the IRS mandates that we do not allow for-profit organizations to use the facilities.
Receipt of the Building and Grounds Use Agreement does not guarantee use of the facility. To ensure the use of the facilities the requestor must agree to guidelines, return all required paperwork, provide detailed information about the event, and pay fees.
The use of the Building and Grounds is managed by the Church Administrator. No commitment to building use is final until the Building and Grounds Use Agreement has been completed and approved by the Church Administrator.
Building Use Guidelines
Building and Grounds Use Agreement
Buildings and Grounds Use Agreement – Online Submission Form
Release and Indemnity Agreement
OUUC Floor Plan
Building Use Agreement – Memorial Services
Building Use Agreement – Memorial Services – Online Submission Form
Request for Waiver of Building Use Fees
Request for Waiver of Building Use Fees – Online Submission Form
Memorial Garden and Columbarium