Rich Kalman began attending OUUC in 2010 after he and his wife, Ann Rockway, attended adult education classes at OUUC on Calculating One’s Carbon Footprint and a film series about Ethical Eating. They became members in 2012. Rich served Olympia School district for thirty years; first as a teacher of students with special needs, then as an education specialist and later as an elementary classroom teacher. After his first retirement, in 2005, he started an independent educational consulting business to help teachers in various school districts increase student achievement in Science. He also participated in creating Science assessments for OSPI, and worked for a variety of academic publishers until 2011. Rich enjoys kayaking, X-C skiing, and RV travel with his wife Ann. He hikes almost every Tuesday and is learning to speak Spanish and to play jazz piano. In the fall of 2018, Rich and Ann sold their home of ~40 years, spent 6 months traveling in their RV, and have recently resettled in the Panorama Retirement Community. Rich has served OUUC as a member of the Buildings and Grounds team, as an instructor of the Membership Class, as an RE teacher, and as a Spirit Circle (or Small Group Ministry) facilitator.