Organizations We Support Financially Organizations We Support Financially Published by Darlene Sarkela 01-17-15 Quixote Village – A village of 30 tiny cottages and a community building that provides housing for chronically homeless adults. Contact Raul Salazar or Tim Ransom. Share the Plate (6 organizations per year) – Most Sundays, half of the collected offering is given to a local organization that serves Olympia’s well-being in keeping with our UU principles. Contact Erik Felch. UU Justice Network – The Northwest UU Justice Network is a growing group of Unitarian Universalists (UUs) who are working to build a more just and sustainable world. We “do more, more easily and to greater effect” by working together. (Douglas Mackey is a founding board member.) UUSC – Through the annual Guest at Your Table fundraising and education program, we support the human rights right of Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC).