Organizations and Events in which We Participate Organizations and Events in which We Participate Published by Darlene Sarkela 01-17-15 Community Kitchen – The community kitchen provide meals to homeless and hungry people. Kitchen volunteers prepare and serve evening meals as well as greet guest and keep the dining room and kitchen clean and in good condition. OUUC prepares one meal a month. Contact Kelly Hanson or OUUC member Karmel Shields. Dispute Resolution Center of Thurston County – A nonprofit organization providing dispute mediation services in Thurston County. Contact Steve Tilley. International Day of Peace – The Olympia, WA observance of the IDoP, sponsored by Interfaith Works, FOR, VFP, the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice, and other groups, is a community event commemorating this day with activities, concerts, a peace walk and international conversation on (or about) September 21. The annual event is co-sponsored by the OUUC. Contact Douglas Mackey. Gay Pride Parade – The LGBT community has a two-day event every year in June. Members of OUUC march behind our banner in the Sunday parade from the Capitol to Sylvester Park in support of our principle of upholding the dignity of all people. Global Days of Listening – is a growing network of conversations that occur on the 21st of each month. It is active listening to people around the globe conversing about each other’s paths of action toward a peaceful world. (OUUC is one of the original hosts of the conversations). Contact Douglas Mackey. Immigration Reform – Keep the congregation informed on what is happening with immigration locally and maintain a connection with AID NW (Advocating for Immigrants in Detention NW). Contact Frances Tanaka. RESULTS – A local chapter of an international citizens’ lobbying group, dedicated to creating the political will to end poverty in the U.S. and internationally. Contact Nancy Curtiss. Overnight Homeless Shelter –For the last 20 plus years, OUUC has annually hosted and provided volunteers for the Interfaith Works Overnight Shelter, housed at First Christian Church and now open to homeless men, women, and couples. OUUC contacts are Jo Ann Young and Billie Williams. Interfaith Works contact is Shelter Manager, Meg Martin. SideWalk – SideWalk is a volunteer operated program that aims to end homelessness through community engagement and coordination of resources.