Newcomer Guide
The Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation is a joyful and caring liberal religious community. We offer Sunday services that include moving, insightful sermons by our minister, guest speakers and lay-people of the church. Our music is extraordinary and inspiring. Following each service, all are invited to linger for coffee, tea, and conversation. Children are welcome, and after a story (part of the service), the children leave the sanctuary to take part in religious education programs.
When you arrive at the Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation on Sunday morning, you’ll be greeted by one of our members, who will help you find your way to the sanctuary, the welcome table, teachers of children’s classes or fresh coffee. Attending our services or listening to readings and sermons online is a good way to learn about us and the principles of Unitarian Universalism.
Conversation over coffee after services is a great way to learn about who we are and what we talk about. Getting a name tag will help people get to know you by name (we all wear them). Volunteering and working with our various committees is a great way to better understand and enjoy fellowship with the members of our community. You can learn about the opportunities by checking the “Life of Our Community Table” in the Commons.