Midsummer Online Auction
Visit the auction website to donate items, view the online catalog of donations, and register to bid. Bidding begins June 20, 2020.
VIRTUAL! This is our transformed annual auction. Because of the coronavirus, we are going virtual style! There is no need to purchase a ticket, and bidding will be similar to what you’ve experienced in the past. You’ll need to provide your own food and drink, but it will be just what you like. Yay!
DONATE! Please consider donating with a focus on stay-at-home services, porch deliveries, virtual gatherings, games, staycations, online demonstrations, unique handmade items and more. Click here for ideas. Be creative!
DOLLARS! We are counting on you to be generous to our beloved community and keep it strong. In addition to the regular auction items, there will be several items that will help fund internal and external causes. You can bid on items for nine days, starting on June 20, 2020, but don’t delay because you don’t want to be out-bid. Let’s do this!
Questions? Contact auction chair Melanie Ransom, or auction team member Sharon Love at auction@ouuc.org.