There are many ways at OUUC to connect with others.
Find one or two or three that would mean the most to you!
You can find quick weblinks here: Making Connections Links
- Maybe you connect when attending a Sunday service.
- Maybe you would like to connect with others by providing a service to someone in need.
- Maybe you would like to build relationships – find a place in our religious community.
- Maybe you would like to join with others to grow spiritually and learn more about Unitarian Unitarian Universalism.
- Maybe you would like to participate in Social Justice activities.
- Maybe you would like to give your time to making this congregation vital and strong; you could join one of the committees or groups that takes care of our building and takes care of our congregation.
- Maybe you would like to work with children and youth – learning along with them as they explore religion and faith in our Sunday Religious Education classes.
- Contact the person listed with the group or activity you want to learn about.
- Watch the weekly Wednesday email and Sunday announcements for more details.
- Contact any of our church staff. They can tell you more about all the groups and activities happening at OUUC, and help you discern which ones might be a good fit for you.