Pastoral Care
Please contact the minister for Pastoral Care in a time of need. The minister will be happy to schedule a meeting time. If this is an urgent need please call the minister’s office phone at 360-786-6383 ext. 101.
Member to Member Care
We give help to one another and to the surrounding community. Contact someone from one of these groups if you need assistance or would like to share your time and energy with others.
Pastoral Care Team
Lay ministerial team that supplements ministerial services. Contact the minister.
Caring Friends
Caring Friends is an opt-in email list which enables us to let one another know when we need help with practical things like transportation, doing errands, having meals delivered, etc.
To ask for help from Caring Friends: contact the Caring Friends contact person at
Caring Friends is also an opportunity for each of us to respond to a request for help when we can. It’s a way that each of us can take care of those in our congregation.
If you would like to be added to the Caring Friends list contact the Caring Friends contact at
Caring Friends Guidelines
Memorial Services Committee
Coordinates volunteers to assist with tasks related to an OUUC memorial service. Contact Melanie Ransom.
Addiction and Recovery Ministry
Promotes awareness of addiction and provides effective and compassionate action and service. Looking for more info? CLICK HERE to find the resources provided by this committee. Questions? Contact David Verbon.
Parish Nurse
Provides health ministry in the congregation – focusing on wellness, wholeness, and support during health crises and life transitions. CLICK HERE to read more about this volunteer, part-time service, offered by a Registered Nurse who is a member of the congregation.
Questions? Contact Ann Yeo.
Caregivers is a monthly gathering of OUUC members and friends who are the primary caregivers of a family member or loved one. Meeting on the second Thursday of each month, from 10:00 – 11:30 am, members share their stories, learn of resources available to caregivers, and provide emotional and spiritual support to each other during this time in their lives. New members are always welcome; Contact Rev. Carol McKinley,
Caring for the larger Unitarian Universalist community
Chalice Lighter
Assists the growth of member congregations in the Pacific Northwest District of the UUA by providing grants to help their formal growth plans. Contact Penny Chatfield our Chalice Lighter Ambassador to find out more!