Use this form to update the Congregational Connections brochure.

Congregational Connections brochure corrections/additions
Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.
If you want to add a new group: Please write "NEW" when you enter the Group Name, Group Description, Group Contact Person

FOR CURRENTLY LISTED GROUPS: Are there any changes?

Groups NOT CURRENTLY listed in the Congregational Connections brochure:


Connections Table hosts will periodically be available in the Commons to help people find out more about OUUC Groups and Activities. The information you provide below will help those hosts answer people's questions. We will collect this information in a binder or on file cards so it can easily be accessed by our Connections hosts. This information will not be published.
You are welcome to write as much as you like...
OUUC MISSION: We are a liberal religious community that opens minds, fills hearts, and transforms lives. OUUC ENDS: 1) We expand our knowledge, deepen our understanding, and strengthen and live our UU identities. 2) Our hearts are filled with experiences of wonder, awe, and connection to the spirit of life and love. 3) People of all ages, identities, and circumstances are welcomed and connected in our loving community. 4) OUUC responds to the needs of a a changing congregation and world. 5) Our lives and those of the larger community are meaningfully changed through our collaborative work for justice. 6) We advocate for environmental justice and practice care for the earth.