B&G 1

The B&G committee maintains our church building and grounds and the Annex building next door which houses the Out of the Woods homeless shelter. Our members lend many skills to these projects such as planning projects, organizing workers, buying materials, and doing the work.

Some of us enjoy working individually. There are several people who don’t like coming to meetings; they just come to do weeding or other projects on their own. Others of us enjoy working in groups and we often have projects that give us this opportunity.

We meet every month to review our progress and prioritize our work list. Sometimes, we meet at a member’s house so we can share beverages along with our discussion. Members pick projects they want to work on; there is no pressure to do any particular amount of work. We also organize several work parties throughout the year to do major projects such as improving the landscaping or remodeling at the Annex.

To get involved or to ask for a repair, contact the committee chair. If you don’t want to be a regular member of the committee but would like to join the occasional work party, let the chair know that, too! We have a Google Group mailing list that you can join to see what projects are coming up.

If you want to know more about any of the committee’s projects, contact Jerald Dodson, B&G Committee Chair.

If you want to know how you can help with just the gardening/weeding, contact Rob Radford. He has a separate mailing list you can join to only get notices of landscaping projects.

Here are some of the projects we’ve done in the last year.

  • Replaced restroom faucets
  • Repaired lights in the sanctuary
  • Adjusted door closers
  • Coordinated with the Fire Marshall and installed additional shelving in our storage room.
  • Hired a landscaper to produce a landscape plan
  • Bought plants and organized planting parties
  • Raised money for landscaping with a plant sale
  • Spread mulch
  • Worked with Religious Education to develop a plan for expanding the recreation area
  • Installed irrigation systems
  • Pressure-washed walkways
  • Weeded old and new planting areas
  • Installed the new street sign
  • Installed shelves, added floor supports, improved drainage, fixed a water leak, conducted periodic inspections, and cleaned out the basement at the Annex (Out of the Woods homeless shelter next door)

