2019 Children and Youth Program Evaluation Education > Children’s Programs > 2019 Children and Youth Program Evaluation Published by olydre 04-29-19 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.What programs have you or your family been part of this year?Family ChapelNursery Care/ChildcareSpirit Play (9:15)Spirit Play PreK (11:00)Labyrinth Learning (1st-5th grades)Middle School GroupHigh School GroupK-2nd grade Our Whole Lives7th-8th grade Our Whole LivesIf you or your family participated in another way, please describe:Family Chapel was a new experiment this year. Please tell us how it worked for your family. Benefits? Ways it could be better? Should we do this again next year?In what ways did the members of your family grow this year because of their participation at OUUC?Do you have any suggestions or requests for changes in the future?How would you like to participate in the faith development ministry of the congregation next year? What would you love to see happen? Would you want to volunteer?Name (optional)FirstLastNameSubmit