June is here arrived, which means OUUC’s annual Auction and vital fundraiser lies just around the corner: June 20-28.
2020’s Auction may be virtual, but it’s still very real. You will be sent a Zoom link to attend the live rollout, “Midsummer Auction—Opening Night!” (The Zoom link will be posted on the OUUC website and through emails the week of June 14.) Bidding, also online, starts June 20 too. Please pre-register now with a credit card, and you’ll be ready to bid as soon as bidding opens on the 20th. How to pre-register? Here’s a video that makes it plain sailing:
Your donations are needed—and it’s very simple to donate an item. First click on this link: https://ouuc.dreamhosters.com/midsummer-online-auction/. When you arrive at the website, click (just below the image of a woman reclining on a slice of watermelon) on the words “Auction Website,” then in the green header on “Donate an Item.” Type in your item description and $$ suggested and a few other bits, and your item goes right into the auction catalog.
Want to peruse ideas for donations? At the same auction link noted above, click on “Catalog” to see what’s already been offered. So that donations are in synch with health safety, perhaps consider porch deliveries, virtual events, games, gift cards, unique handmade items—things that don’t require a lot of close contact. And since the health safety restrictions may ease in the coming months, you could plan an event and add words to your donation like: “We’ll do this as safely as current health restrictions at the time require.”
And like past live-and-in-person auctions, creative entertainment will be a central part of the show when you join the Opening Night event on June 20th from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Count on wonderful surprises and even door prizes. That’s right: real, non-digital door prizes delivered safely to real doors—including yours. The evening’s hosts, The Merry Shakespeareans, will play off the Midsummer theme to bowl you over with witty skits, goofy takes on Zoom technology, and previews of terrific auction items. And, starting then, the auction site will be open for bids, running more than a week from June 20 – 28. There will be lots of things to bid on, your donation among them. Just a sample: handmade soaps, an angora scarf, tea makings, elegant dinnerware, safe and portable picnic, trays of holiday cookies and buckets of beer, pies, cupcakes, blueberries, cinnamon rolls (hungry yet?), specialty cocktails, wine tastings, gift cards, a private stay in a cabin at Ocean Shores, and much more. Reverend Mary will deliver the sermon of your choice too—for the right bid. A “raise the paddle” part of the auction aims to upgrade OUUC’s communication system, helping us keep Zooming as necessary.
Please donate. And Zoom in on June 20. Let’s make this auction a stunning success.
Questions? Contact Melanie Ransom.