One definition of crisis that I learned very early in my work life is that this a time where many of the old ways of doing things don’t work anymore and it is time to learn new skills and try new directions. The board is very aware of the struggle we are experiencing with the loss of our face-to-face contacts recently. I am so grateful for the strength and dedication of Rev. Mary and our church staff. Their focus on supporting the many activities of the congregation and finding ways for much of our work to continue is awesome. Now with the Stay At Home order in place the opportunities for creative approaches to manage feelings are many. The emotional wealth and depth of our community remain shining as people pick up new ways to assess and manage the risks. We are, none of us, alone in this time of intense demand. The Pastoral Care Team and Caring Friends folks are there to support those in need or feeling isolated. Financial concerns begin to haunt many of us as employers shut their doors and old funding strategies shift. Please let Rev. Mary or the staff know if you face financial predicaments needing support or requiring changes in giving. If you have ideas or resources, there is major work to be done redefining new revenue streams for OUUC and shoring up the solid base of pledging. Do stay in touch in any way that feels comfortable as we go forward!

Fritz Wrede, President