In light of the continuing threat of detention and possible deportation of non-criminal undocumented persons in our community, the interfaith Greater South Sound Faith Network for Immigrant and Refugee Support has mobilized to provide sanctuary in a congregation for a person seeking sanctuary.
Following a process within their congregation, Temple Beth Hatfiloh will be the site of the physical sanctuary. The Faith Network created a statement of mutual support last spring and, upon the recommendation of OUUC’s Faith in Action Leadership Team, the OUUC board adopted the statement of mutual support and approved a resolution as recorded in the May 17, 2018, OUUC Board minutes::
Adopted a Resolution endorsing the Resolution on Immigration and Refugee Support compiled by the Greater South Sound Faith Network for Immigration and Refugee Support; Reverend Carol McKinley and Frances Tanaka represent us on this Network. Endorsement had been unanimously recommended by our Faith in Action Leadership Team. Since there are some potential liability concerns for participants and for our church Reverend McKinley intends to provide training required for all congregants wishing to volunteer. Also in the near future there will be a Linkage Meeting to better acquaint everyone with this effort. At this point the Network is contemplating housing refugees at locations other than our church but there will still be opportunities for us to volunteer. Any decision to house refugees at OUUC in the future would only be made by the congregation in a Special Congregational Meeting.
The Faith Network for Immigrant and Refugee Support continues to develop its training process and volunteer communication system with the collaboration of all who have pledged support to ensure the comfort and security of the person or persons in sanctuary.
To be part of OUUC’s volunteer group, contact Mariam Lorch.